We came to a conclusion that in order to be more competitive

The theatre requires improving of its visitors’ physical experience and a digital transformation

We are on a mission to continually build honest relationships built on shared values. These relationships are formed with a shared goal to deliver awesome results which have a tangible impact on our client’s business.

Visit Website


Joybird collaboration with Lviv Puppet Theatre has begun with the design thinking workshop involving key stakeholders and theatre visitors as well as designers from our team

We are on a mission to continually build honest relationships built on shared values. These relationships are formed with a shared goal to deliver awesome results which have a tangible impact on our client’s business.


The website is a communication medium between the theatre and its visitors. It's a place where they can learn about the repertoire, actors and crew, pick a play and finally buy tickets

The essential challenge here was to recreate the atmosphere of the theatre, incorporate the entertainment element into the process and combine it with a new, modern vibe, and at the same time provide the functionality. The main pain points of the website’s visitors are searching for a certain play, buying tickets and general interaction with the theatre


As an output of a workshop conducted with users, we had personas, customer journey maps and the list of prioritized user stories. Next step in the process was a competitor research

During this phase, we went over some of the competitors’ websites to look at their structure. What we’d discovered was that poor structure, disorganized schedules, and total nightmare with the experience of buying tickets are common for most of the theatre websites

We worked on the information architecture and user flows by mapping out how users navigate the website. This mind map helps designers in the process and keeps the logical structure when working on the wireframes.

During this phase, we went over some of the competitors’ websites to look at their structure. What we’d discovered was that poor structure, disorganized schedules,

  • Date

    25 April 2019

  • Client

    Joybiird agency

We are now ready to share this
experience with you

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